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    Love Harnessed Body Souffle


    Enjoy the RICH and RESTORATIVE Body Souffle created with a mindful infusion of  plant based Oils, Butters and Essential oils. Naturally  amplified with rich and beneficial ingredients to  care for your largest organ on your body, THE SKIN. Your skin deserves clean and nutrient dense care with a majestic blend of  the Essential and fragrance oil blend of Bergamot and Cucumber  that will LIFT the senses and  IMPROVE your mood.



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    Enjoy the RICH and RESTORATIVE Body Souffle created with a mindful infusion of  plant based Oils, Butters and Essential oils. Naturally  amplified with rich  and beneficial ingredients to  care for your largest organ on your body, THE SKIN. Your skin deserves clean and nutrient dense care with a majestic blend of  the Essential and fragrance oil blend of Bergamot and Cucumber  that will LIFT the senses and  IMPROVE your mood.


    Additional information

    Weight 8 oz
    Dimensions 7 × 7 × 6 cm


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